Arusam Madhusudhan
“Arusam Madhusudhan, the budding young mime artiste hails from the historic city of Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India. Having developed interest in this much neglected art of mime, Madhu has struggled to pick up the elements from friends and Sri Nagabhushan of the same city, who practiced mime as his hobby and made pioneering contribution to this art from. Madhusudhan, in later times with his zeal and burning curiosity contacted Sri Narendra Katker, a mime teacher of the N.S.D. to learn certain nuances. In his pursuit of excellence, Madhu also used video cassettes of mime by the famous American luminary Tony Martino. His main inspiration was Indian Mime Theatre of Kolkata, where incidentally, he had undergone training, in the art, as the only candidate from Andhra Pradesh. He is particularly attached and devoted to Sri Niranjan Goswami and learnt advanced training from him.
Madhusudhan is a science graduate with awareness of computer usage, but his real interest lay in mime to which he has dedicated himself. He has created many new items of mime and evinced creative talent and originality of performance. Madhusudhan has given a good number of public performances allover his native state as well as a few other states out of A. P., regaling his audience wherever he went.
His talent was widely appreciated and publicized by News Papers. Some of his performances have been telecast on popular TV channels. Madhusudhan still considers himself as a student of the art, and is ever in search of innovations. His effort was rewarded through the award of Junior Fellowship from the Department of Culture, Government of India.