Marceau and Laurel

Marcel Marceau & Stan Laurel Marceau with Stan Laurel, who visited Marceau in his dressing room.Paris, 1951 Autor: Lessing,...


Embed from Getty Images Marcel Marceau Interview 01.01.1954 PANTOMIME / Musiker des Schweigens Quelle:   Marcel Marceau, als aparte Zugabe vorgesehen, wurde die Sensation der Festspiele Die Zeitungen lobten ihn als einen “Musiker des...


MOVIMIMO – Centro de Investigaciones del Mimo de Buenos Aires y EscenaFísica, Cuerpo de Creación Artísitica MOVIMIMO They summon THE BODY SCENE TO THE THIRD BIENNIAL International Video-Mimo Festival Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November 2018 Inscription  ...

Videos of Mime Festival since 1973

Videos of Mime Festival since 1973 Norberto Govetto 1st Congress and Latin American Festival of MIMO 1973It was projected on the opening day of the 9th Congress and Latin American Festival of MIMO which was developed during the month of October 1998 in the Theater...

Jesus Puebla

Jesús Puebla PantomimeOfficial website of mime and actor Jesus Puebla, with information about his professional career and pantomime shows. Jesús Puebla, discovered the world of mime at fourteen years starting a self-taught and a total approach to gender. In 1987, he...