Etienne Decroux e a artesania de ator
Etienne Decroux
For the first time a book presents, in Portuguese language, a set of reflections on the singular work of the French artist Etienne Decroux (1898-1991), allied with, intriguingly, to the philosophical thought of Georges Bataille in his notion of sovereign art and To the scenic practice of the author.
Decroux, an actor-craftsman, lived and worked alongside important theater and cinema names such as Copeau, Dullin, Jouvet, Baty, Artaud, Barrault, Herrand and Carné.
His great artistic value lies in the creation of Dramatic Body Mimic rather than a technique, an innovative art that reflects Decroux’s vision of theater as an actor’s art. It is a well-documented book, rigorous and original in its essence, written with competence and humor, always guided by contemporary theater, in continuous construction.