Bengkel Mime Theatre


“Bengkel Mime Theatre (BMT) is a visual theatre troupe from Yogyakarta, Indonesia that uses pantomime as the basis of their performances. BMT takes pantomime to approach other forms of art outside pantomime such as dance, theatre, literature, modern arts and film.

BMT continues their search for new possibilities, ways and forms during the process of creation of their new works. BMT also encourages their members to create individually or in collaboration with other artists outside the field of pantomime.

Bengkel Pantomime Yogyakarta was officially founded in may 2004, after three years of pioneering by Andy Sri Wahyudi (Andy SW), Sri Dwianto (Inyong) and Asita.

Ficky Tri Sanjaya joined them in 2005 as a constant member.

In 2007 Bengkel Pantomime Yogyakarta was renamed Bengkel Mime Theatre after they acknowledged that they made visual theatre far beyond pantomime.

BMT has it s own studio in Nitiprayan, Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.

Besides single play visual theatre, BMT provides a compilation of repertory to make up an evening filling performance as well as street performances (related/adjusted to certain events and/or improvisations).

They also provide pantomime workshops.”

Bengkel Mime Theatre

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