“blackSKYwhite [the alien circus]
The overall effect is poignant, terrifying, exhilarating – leaving audiences gasping, and leaping to their feet to cheer.
This plotless piece of diabolically pixilated human animation lasts an unrelentling, unrepentant hour. It has creepy-crawly beauty.
Working closely with the actors, director Dmitri Ariupin has created a disturbing, terrifying and poignant performance which leaves audiences shocked, terrified and exhilarated.
The group from Moscow throwed open a window of time. A window of time to the age of speachless amazement. The audience of the whole theatre specacle 2000 was never as unguilty as a this very evening.
The precise body language is breath-taking. For moments it seems that gravity does not exist anymore.
* Press Reviews
* Awards of blackSKYwhite theatre
* Participation in Theatre Festivals
Theatre blackSKYwhite’s performances are always magical sights: computer graphics of the actor’s bodily movements, music reaching from electronics to cabaret and ethnic style as well as stunning lighting create an effect of something unreal – a world of great illusion, yet at the same time, a world that is very close and true.
The cast has remained the same since the day of its founding: Director Dmitri Ariupin and actors Marcella Soltan and Andrej Ivashnev have created, and continue to create a special technique of placing actors on the edge – between reality and illusion – where performances are more of a dream than anything resembling real life. It is difficult to identify the genre of this theatre’s stagings (if the word "genre" in itself implies some kind of traditionalism) and perhaps the company’s style is closest to modern choreography in its most nonconformist form. Each show is about one hour long. They tell no story, reveal no plot or well-formed dimensions.
Rather, they mirror reality through dreams, bordering on that thin line between the outer and the inner worlds that interacts with the spectator through their own intuition or unconsciousness. As in the ‘absolute mirror’, every single person should see in each performance their own inner world and their own particular destiny. Theatre blackSKYwhite is perhaps the most adequate embodiment of Antonin Artaud’s "theatre of cruelty" concept, but it’s as cruel as only the mirror can be.