Carlos Martinez
Born in Asturias, Spain, Carlos Martínez moved to Barcelona and put his passion to work by training at the dramatic arts schools, Taller de Mimo y Teatro Contemporáneo and El Timbal. The positive feedback from his first solo performances, in 1982, confirmed his decision to live from the theatre. And because he is not dependent on any translation, he has found an open stage throughout Europe and around the world.
Carlos Martínez has developed shows such as Books without Words (in which scripts and letters change into movements and action), Silent Night (performed in ensemble with his best students), PianOmime (with the German pianist-composer Johannes Nitsch), My Bible (as a homage to the best-selling book of all times) and Human Rights (symbol of our hope, but also of our frustrations). To commemorate his 25th stage anniversary in 2007, Carlos Martínez presented his show, Time to Celebrate. In 2012, another jubilee year, he toured with Mirage, inspired by the discussion around climate change and water shortage. The show is also a homage to his craft, all mime is mirage, creating life from gesture. His programme Books without Words was the audience choice at the 2009 TeatroAgosto summer festival in Fundão, Portugal and Hand Made received the prize of honour at the 2004 edition of the Almada Theatre Festival, Portugal. In recognition of his work, the German foundation Bibel und Kultur, awarded Carlos Martínez its annual prize for 2002.
Carlos Martínez has taught mime and theatre in public schools, universities and acting schools, such as the Scuola Dimitri in Switzerland, the National Theatre in Latvia and the University of Zaragoza, and at numerous international art seminars. He runs elite mime workshops, tutors advanced students, gives Master classes, and presents interactive seminars at top level corporate events. He has published five DVDs, My Bible, Human Rights, Hand Made, Books Without Words and Still My Bible, two manuals on mime In Silence and Word of Mime and most recently, the hardcover book, From the Dressing Room.