Chicago Physical Theater
Physical Theater
Chicago Physical Theater is a group of wildly creative Physical Theater artists who create and produce original works of performance art. Company members have a diverse background in physical performance, Clown, Mime, Improv, Comedy, and Writing. CPT and it’s ensemble offer classes and workshops in Clown, Mime, Slapstick, and Physical Comedy.
General Information
Chicago Physical Theater is a group of wildly creative Physical Theater artists who create and produce original works of performance art. Company members have a diverse background in physical performance, Clown, Mime, Improv, Comedy, and Writing. CPT and it’s ensemble offer classes and workshops in Clown, Mime, Slapstick, and Physical Comedy. Feel free to contact CPT at any time.
Ensemble & Faculty
Dean Evans
Scott is a performance artist and theatre maker celebrating over a decade in the Chicago theatre community. A graduate of the Theatre Conservatory of Roosevelt University, Scott has had the privilege to perform with The Goodman Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, the Scooty & Jojo Show, Abraham Werewolf, New Leaf Theatre, Dog & Pony, Red Twist, Rough House Theatre and he is a proud company member of Collaboraction. Scott was Co-director of, “TOLLBOOTH: A Clown Show” for First Floor Theatre and a former member of the cult-hit Bouffon troupe Les Enfants Terribles. Over the last several years, he has trained with Eric Davis in Bouffon, Sue Morrison in Pochinko clown in Toronto and with Steve Wasson and Corine Soum in Decroux mime.
Dean Evans
Dean Evans is a professional performing artist working in theater, comedy, and television. He was placed in Chicago’s top 50 “players” by New City magazine. He has studied Mime and Physical Theater at The School for Mime Theater, The Ohio State University, and with masters Marcel Marceau, Phillipe Gualier, John Gilkey, Stephen Niedzialkowsky, and Avner Eisenberg. He is a former ensemble member of the Neo-Futurists and has worked with Cirque du Soliel, 500 Clown, Redmoon, Chicago Children’s Theater, Second City, The Goodman, the Actor’s Gymnasium and as a solo artist. Evans has created three full length circuses, two solo shows, dozens of prime time theaterical shows and hundreds of short pieces. He was a faculty member of Columbia College’s renowned Comedy Writing and Performance Major and also with the Second City Traiing Center. Dean was faculty in the Actor’s Gymnasium pro-track Circus training program and also ALOFT’s profesional circus program. He’s also taught as a guest lecturer at UIC, SAIC, Oberlin, Lake Forest College, Ohio State University and many more. Dean is also an active improvisor and has studied improv at Second City, IO (Improv Olympic), and the Annoyance. He was a member of iO house team’s Winter Formal and Nightingale. He performs as the intity who goes by Honeybuns. Dean is currently based in Los Angeles. Visit Dean’s personal website.
Molly Plunk – Chicago Physical Theater
Molly Plunk is a profesional performance artist and entertainer in Chicago. She graduated from Columbia College Chicago in 2007 with a concentration in acting. She has studied Mime at the The School for Mime Theater and Aerial Arts at the Aloft school in Chicago. She has studied Clown with Avner Eisenberg and Phillipe Gualier. Molly has performed with many local theater companies including the Neo-Futurists, the Gift, Redmoon, Collaboraction, and Silent Theater Company and has appeared in the work of award winning film maker Usama Alshaibi. She starred in the Ruffian production of Burning Bluebeard as the Fairy Queen.
Alex Suha
Trent Creswell is a writer, performer, and Feldenkrais practicioner based in Chicago. He is the co-founder of the National Cool Theater and a two-time resident of the Edward Albee Foundation . He graduated from Sarah Lawrence College and continues his Feldenkrais training with the Institute for the Study of Somatic Education.