Encuentro Internacional de Mimo y Clown Salta
The sociocultural project “International Meeting of Mimo and Clown Salta”, since its first edition in 2005 has the objective that citizens exercise their right to actively participate in artistic and cultural life within their society, bringing to light the role of culture and popular arts to achieve social transformation through artistic expressions that serve as an inclusion tool for the Salta community.
The purpose of the project is to create a space for the meeting between citizens and the diversity of cultural expressions that are expressed in the artistic manifestations of Latin America and other countries of the world, with respect for respect, dialogue, exchange and cooperation.
The purpose of the project is to create a space for the meeting between citizens and the diversity of cultural expressions that are expressed in the artistic manifestations of Latin America and other countries of the world, with respect for respect, dialogue, exchange and cooperation.
The project throughout its editions has had cultural democracy as one of its pillars, hence its activities have reached sectors traditionally excluded from society, such as the elderly, the prison population (youth and adults) , the citizens of the interior of the province, aboriginal communities, the peripheral neighborhoods and in situation of poverty of the Capital, generating this way a greater impact in the society and sense of belonging to the community.