only until may 2017
Internationales Pantomime / Mime Festival
The Festival
The International Festival of Pantomime/ Mime will take place at Die ETAGE e.V. in Berlin and it is held by the Federation of European Mime (FEM). The FEM was founded by the initiators of this idea Nils-Z. , Bartlomiej Ostapczuk and Adam Halas¡ in 2013. In 2015 the Festival MY MIME will travel to Prague and in 2016 to Warsaw. Through this Festival we intend to revive and recapture the nonverbal, universal and directly communicating artistic discipline of Pantomime / Mime and create an international platform for the growing generation of young Mime-artists in three different countries. This cooperation fosters the border-crossing intercultural cooperation which is connecting Poland ( Warsaw Mime Centre ), Czech Republic ( Academy of Performimg Arts Prague HAMU ) and Germany ( Die Etage e.V. / School for Performimg and Fine Arts ). We are delighted that the German Ministry of Culture and Media as well as the Czech and the Polish Embassy have taken patronage over this festival.
Every night the festival is going to present two public performances, always from 6 p.m. in the Theatre of Die Etage and from 9 p.m. in the courtyard ( Open Air ) of die ETAGE. In between the performances The Roger Dodger Band (D/CZ/ESP/URY) will be playing.
The international Theatre-platform MY MIME offers the students from all three countries the possibility to present their projects in a professional environment. In workshops the participants will have the possibility to learn from top professionals as well as see extraordinary professional performances. Nameful artists are part of the artistic programme of the festival as Herr Niels, Klaus Franz, Stefan Linne, Herr Riesling, Gernot Frischling (Mission Mimepossible!), Do – Theater ( Skt. Petersburg / Aachen ) as well as Bodecker & Neander (Berlin).
Besides that the festival-programme offers a seminary held in the Mime-Centre Berlin about the History of Pantomime/Mime in the 20th century in Germany. The focus will be dedicated to nobody less than personalities like Marcel Marceau und Mary Wigman, who brought the amazing art of Pantomime into a wider conciousness of the people. A highlight will for sure be also My Mime in Town, a Mime-Street-parade under the direction of Roman Hor¡k with the Mimes from all the participating countries, who will flood and enchant the City centre of Berlin.
Modern Mime, young and innovative!
– Mary Wigman
Since 1981 Die Etage e.V. offers six different study programmes in different disciplines of Performing and Fine Arts and from the biginning one of the main subject is Mime/Pantomime.
Since 1986 Die Etage e.V. ist governmentally recognized gaining an equal status as other specialized professional education institutes. The aim of the education is the professional degree of the graduate and the exams are given under governmental exam rules. Apart the Federation of European Mime FEM die Etage e.V. is also member of La Federation europene des ecoles de Cirque professionelles / FEDEC and is internationally cooperating with numerous universities. Since the foundation of Die Etage e.V. many of today´s well-known and established artists form Berlin have graduated at this internationally recognized education institute.
Warsaw Mime Center
Invitation Bartlomiej Ostapczuk
Since the time I started to develop International Mime Art Festival and later The Warsaw Mime Center I was sure that we miss a tool which will help to bring together all this wonderful people I have met on my artistic way. Many people, many great ideas but how to mke it real? Fortunately I was not the only one! My friends from Prague and Berlin felt te same. I believe that The Federation of European Mime FEM will be a very creative platform to exchange, support and develop The Real Art of the Mime Theatre in Europe and The Warsaw Mime Center is proud to be co-founder of FEM which organizes The MY MIME Festival. It always takes a lot of work and determination to create a Mime Theatre Festival which will show the beauty of this amazing art. Especially when we talk about the work of people who are still in the process of learning this hard craft. Thanks to FEM we can celebrate The First International Festival “”MY MIME””. I am sure that our contept to create a Mime Festival which will travel each year between Germany, Czech and Poland is a great way to stimulate, bring togeher and finally create a new comunity of people who love this art. I think it is the only way to keep alive and develop the Art of Mime and Pantomime in contemporary times.
Bartlomiej Ostapczuk
Artistic Director of the Warsaw Mime Center
and International Mime Art Festival
Warsaw Mime Center
The aim of the Warsaw Mime Centre is to create a space for the true development of Mime Art. We organize workshops which feature notable Mime artists from Poland and abroad putting great emphasis on producing Mime performances as well as supporting theatrical projects related to Mime. In addition, we organize the Mime Art Festival and run the Pantomime Studio.
We believe that our professional theatre company, publications and educational activities organized on various platforms will fill the gap left after the closing of the Warsaw Mime Theatre in 2001, and that they will simultaneously revive the interest in the newly discovered Art of Mime.
Since 2008, when the Warsaw Mime Centre was established, numerous people from Warsaw and its surroundings decided to dedicate themselves to the Art of Mime Theatre. By taking part in yearly courses and creating etudes and performances, they have been proving that this kind of theatre is alive.
We are very happy that a vivid circle of enthusiasts has been growing around the Warsaw Mime Center and our aim is to encourage anyone to share our proposals with us and to take part in the events organized by us.
The Department of Pantomime – Academy of Performing Arts HAMU
Invitation Adam Halaš
The idea to connect the students, the pedagogues and the artists of Mime ist not only today central for the future of this art. One of the priorities of the Department of Pantomime at HAMU Prague is to connect our school with the world. Mime is an universal, cosmopolitan and attractive language. Our pedagogues are together with the students exploring new ways in the modern genre of Mime, which is linking to the strong tradition of Czech Pantomime and Comedy. That´s why the festival MY MIME is a big event for czech Mime Art. The festival is revealing the borderlines between the disciplines in Mime, links students and artists internationally and creates a new identity of contemporary Mime-Theatre.
The Art of our time is heading towards a clear and simple expression. Modern Pantomime is the Art of a poetic shortcut in movement, the Art of the concentrated and awakening fantasy of the human being, an Art which is speaking internationally through its means and form, Ladislav Fialka
This is the idea connected with the aim to found a new tradition with the festival MY MIME.
Adam Halaš
Co-Founder of FEM – Dramaturgist of The „MY MIME“ Festival in Prague 2015
HAMU – Prague
The Department of Pantomime is the youngest department at The Music and Dance Faculty of The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague which was founded in 1992. Mime originally was a specialization at the Dance Department, which became from the 1980´s an independent study programme – called Choreography of Mime. Its founder and leading pedagogue was the outstanding Mime Prof. Ladislav Fialka. After him it was Prof. Ctibor Turba who came with a wider concept of Nonverbal Theatre and Comedy who was head of this Department until 1999. After he had left Prof. Boris Hybner became head of the Department under whose guidance it stayed until 2010. During his period the study programme was focussed on the basic styles of Mime – Theatre / Mime, Slapstick, Clown / and the name of the Department was changed into Department of Pantomime. In 2010 MgA. Adam Halaš Ph.D. became the head of the Department coming with a new educative concept of Mime –Theatre. Apart the basic styles the education is focussed on further styles of Mime such as Physical Theatre and New Circus. Through this connection of the classical as well as the contemporary styles the study programme is linking to the Tradition of Czech Pantomime offering a modern approach towards Mime reacting on the present. The study programme is focussed especially on Devised theatre of the attendants.