Videos of Mime Festival since 1973
Norberto Govetto
1st Congress and Latin American Festival of MIMO 1973
It was projected on the opening day of the
9th Congress and Latin American Festival of MIMO
which was developed during the month of October 1998
in the Theater Room Margarita Xirgu
duration: 23 minutes
script and general performance: Norberto Govetto
Offline story: Marcelo Ojeda
edition: Héctor A. Acosta
production: 1998
Buenos Aires – Argentine
7th Festival y Congreso Latioamericano de MIMO -1992
Jack LECOQ y sus máscaras
5 al 11 de abril de 1992
en el Centro Cultural Grail. San Martín
duración: 23 minutes
relato en off: Willy Manghi and Raúl Blasco
Edición de VTR: Arnaldo Zarza
realización general: Norberto Govetto
Buenos Aires – ARGENTINA
8th Congress and Latin American Festival of MIMO - 1996
October 15 to 20, 1996
organized by the Argentine Association of MIMO,
National Direction of Theater,
and Secretariat of Culture of the Nation
developed in: Teatro Margarita XIRGU
duration: 43 minutes
Offline story: Willy Manghi – Gabriel Espinosa
edition: Héctor Acosta
script and realization: Norberto Govetto
1st National Festival of MIMO - Buenos Aires - 1997
Made in the Margarita Theater XIRGU
during the month of October of 1997
Organized by the Asociación Argentina de Mimo
Sponsored by the National Theater Institute
duration: 60 minutes
edition: Héctor Acosta
script and realization: Norberto Govetto
9th Congress and Latin American Festival of MIMO 1998
Margarita Theater XIRGU
LIFT Theater
October 1998
organized by the Argentine Association of MIMO
and by the National Theater Institute
VTR edition: Héctor Acosta
General realization: Norberto Govetto
2002 National Meeting of MIMO
Shows and Seminar
Municipal Theater Gregorio de Laferrere
Municipality of Morón
Sponsors: National Theater Institute
Argentine Association of MIMO
August 14 to 17, 2002
Direction of Art and Culture of the Municipality of Morón
voiceover: Willy Manghi – VTR edition: Héctor Acosta
General realization: Norberto Govetto
10th Congress and Latin American Festival of MIMO | 2003
October 14 to 19, 2003
made at the National University of Mar del Plata
sponsored by the National Theater Institute
organized by the Argentine Association of MIMO
edition: Norberto Govetto
Engraved by Team of the University of Mar del Plata