Wanggi Hoediyatno
“The image formed Mixi Mime Theatre on November 11, 2007, before called Mixi Meeting Room Meeting Room Mime Mime Theatre Theatre is founded by: Grace Koesnadi, Mumu Zainal Mutaqin, Wanggi Hoediyatno, Ata and several other bandung mime artists. have ups and downs along the way in the process of work and creativity it in because, Rakhmat who had graduated from college and working at a leading publishing in Indonesia, and Mumu are still active in the arts pantomimnya with Tatanggaranda Street Mime Group, then from there on the basis of initiatives from Wanggi , he was then a move back to the process of work in the Meeting Room Mime Theatre and invite Irwan Numan to play music as one of the inflatable tool player [Trumpet, Flute and Flute]. In Wanggi exploration, he found some anxiety in the work, then he searched and found an identity in the Meeting Room Mime stage name, ie by appending the word Mixi, and Mixi Imaji Mime Theatre became MimeTheatre Meeting Room, Meeting Room Why M
ixi Mime Theatre? It’s not a change, but just wanted to make a refreshment in the process of work in the arts by the pantomime in the respective fields Imaji Mime Theatre itself.
Mixi itself was one of the pantomime, when Wanggi playing on the stage / stage name. Mixi is a representation of human figures in the world that in the telling through the art of pantomime with the character played by Mixi Wanggi, so it was not a change, only an identity of one of pantomime artists Imaji Mime Theatre pantomime to stimulate artists to continue working in the art world pantomime in Indonesia and the world.
Mixi Imaji Mime Theater is a form of performance art that will continue to look for possibilities – possibilities that exist and that can continue to proceed as if the creative ways in the creation of works of art in itself. We also continue to develop the potential of each individual member for creativity, creative and work personally or in groups as well as collaborate and experiment with various other artists outside of the art of pantomime itself. This process will be created by individuals who are ready to kekaryaannya and responsible. We always do an exploration of the various disciplines outside the arts or arts. and continue to regenerate pantomime art to further regeneration in the course Imaji Mime Theatre.