Zoltan Karpathy
“Kárpáthy Zoltán:
He performed the first of his own mime shows – Silence Wants to Have a Word – in 1963. With his following shows – Stylus Mimesises and The Stories of Mr Topa – he toured in Hungary, in Germany, in Czechoslovakia and in Paris. He produced mime-dramas with his group, the Debureau Pantomime Company.
He took part in the second International Pantomime Festival in Prague in 1971 with the recommendation of Marcel Marceau.
In 1980 he toured in Finland – in Helsinki and Tampere – some of his performances debuted there.
He strated to acquire Étienne Decroux’s „mime pur” technique in 1959 after turning his back on classic ballett that he had been studying for six years.
As his masters, he names Jean Soubeyran and Jaques Lecoq; he studied with them in Germany and in France.
With the support of the Association of Hungarian Dance Artists, he established Hungary’s first independent Pantomime School. Beside, he was involved with mime-teaching in other cities as well.
Besides his solo performances, some of his outsanding pantomime shows :
War is Something Different…, Aulularia, Garden of People, Childish Games, Pendulum, Motel, Caleidoscope, Me You He, Salto Mortale, Waiting for Beckett Nr3.
He produced and directed mimographies on the request of theaters and television. The most memorables are: A Sunday in New York, Peer Gynt, Women of Troy, Zsiska, The Jungle Book, Emil And The Detectives, Patchouli Palace, Son of Paris Sings, Lover of Pirates, Bajazzos, Oz.
He is noted as the first professionist mime artist in the History of Hungarian Theater since 1963.