Kulturboerse Freiburg 2018

An impression of Pantomimes in the Trade Fair   Peter Mim is one of the most outstanding personalities of the European pantomime scene. He is considered a legitimate successor of Marcel Marceau and has been inspiring his audience for more than 40 years. More...


MOVIMIMO – Centro de Investigaciones del Mimo de Buenos Aires y EscenaFísica, Cuerpo de Creación Artísitica MOVIMIMO They summon THE BODY SCENE TO THE THIRD BIENNIAL International Video-Mimo Festival Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November 2018 Inscription  ...


ENCUENTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE MIMO Y TEATRO CORPORAL   Encuentro8-9-10 diciembre 2017 Vº ENCUENTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE MIMO Y TEATRO CORPORAL MAESTROS, INTÉRPRETES, INVESTIGADORES Buenos Aires Con actores y maestros invitados de Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Uruguay; Perú,...

International Fringe Festival

Greetings from Mood Indigo ! MOOD INDIGO, the annual cultural festival of Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay is the biggest college cultural celebration in Asia. Continuing with its 46 year old legacy, Mood Indigo will step into its next edition in December this...

Encuentro Latinoamericano de Mimo y Teatro

CONVOCATORIA Vº Encuentro Latinoamericano de Mimo y Teatro –clases, talleres, conversatorios y espectáculos– Buenos Aires- 8, 9 y 10 de diciembre de 2017 Espectáculos de Mimo callejero, Mimo-clown y estatuas vivientes Con motivo de la realización de este...

World Living Statues Festival

Criteria The criteria that the World Living Statues Festival uses to participate in the National Championships and World Championships are broadly equivalent to the following: Kids Between 8 and 16 years Have to perform at least twice for 15 minutes per hour, between...