MOVIMIMO – Centro de Investigaciones del Mimo de Buenos Aires
y EscenaFísica, Cuerpo de Creación Artísitica
International Video-Mimo Festival
Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November 2018



Modality: the biennial is not competitive, however, the received works will be analyzed by a jury that will decide the final sample.
The participation in the biennial implies the commitment of the artists, individually or integrating a collective (for example, if they are several artists from the same city), to organize in their city two days in which all the videos that will integrate the sample.

General conditions
– Categories: A) Stage works recorded in video to fixed camera.
B) Works produced especially for video.
– Duration: Category A: Up to 10 minutes. Category B: Up to 5 minutes.
– The videos must be sent in digital format, by means of link or Web transfer to the mail or in DVD support by postal mail to Instituto Artes del Espectáculo, May 25, 217 3rd floor. (1111) CABA. Argentina. (In this modality the date of the postal shipment will be taken into account, WHICH SHOULD NOT BE POSTERIOR TO AUGUST 31, 2018).
– The reception of works is open until August 31, 2018.
– The selected proposals will be presented at a simultaneous meeting, which will take place on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November 2018 in the different cities of residence of the participants.
– The participants have absolute freedom to carry out activities in their cities parallel to the Biennial that, if they so request, will integrate the official program. These activities can be: samples, classes, talks, live shows, etc. The only requirement is to communicate to the Biennial management the detailed programming of the activities before July 31, 2018.
– The selected works will be announced through the email addresses of the author-participants, and in the media.
– The selected artists will receive a certificate that accredits it and the catalog-program of the biennial in digital form. The organizers of the days in the different cities may include in the local program the public or private institutions that sponsor them.

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