24. Juli – 29. Juli
L’OdysséPérigueux is the capital of mime in France, from 24 to 29 July more than 40 companies will honor the art of mime and gesture at the 35th edition of the Mimos Festival.
Chantal Achilii was the guest of Christophe Zirnhelt Pro in 9:50 am Morning.
Created in 1983, the Mimos festival is dedicated to reflecting the diversity of an art based on the body in motion: mime, gesture theater, performance, dance, circus, object theater, puppets …
For a whole week, Mimos offers resolutely contemporary forms that sometimes draw on the roots of tradition to offer a contemporary transcription; Without forgetting to return to the sources of mime …
This 35th edition welcomes
25 shows,
10 nationalities,
24 companies,
2 unpublished in France and
4 creations
during 5 days.
Come to meet a genre that has not finished making itself heard.
more: LINK